Mind chatter

Do you have a really nagging mind? One that chatters on even when you don’t want it to? Making little asides like “You should just keep going”, “you’ll never get through that”, “do you really think your pain is real?”, “what are you going to do about ….” Minds are like that. They hold a…

Pain interrupts!

If you have chronic pain of any type, you’ll know what I mean when I say that half my brain seems to have gone to sleep, especially on days when my pain is intense! There’s a reason for that, and it’s nothing to do with my age. When we have chronic pain, at least some…

You are not alone

Chronic pain is one of the loneliest, most isolating experiences ever. No-one else feels what it feels like to have pain. No-one can tell whether you have really bad pain today, or if it’s just a nuisance pain. Some people think they can tell whether you have “real” pain or not (in other words, they…